What is blepharoplasty?

Upper eyelid surgery

Lower eyelid surgery



Eyelid Surgery

The eyes are the first thing we notice from someone’s face. Our eyes have a powerful way of conveying happiness, confidence, sincerity, and our energy. They also happen to be the first region of the face that starts to show age and our most noticeable feature.

Dr. Sharma performs upper and lower eyelid surgery, known as blepharoplasty, for adult patients of all ages who wish to look more refreshed and rejuvenate their eyes.




Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed. Aging around our eyes can be genetically inherited or acquired with age. Hence, blepharoplasty is an excellent option for adults of all age groups who wish to look and feel more refreshed. Blepharoplasty can be performed without the need for general anesthesia. Recovery lasts approximately 1 week.

KT - Right Before and After Result

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The upper eyelids play a critical role in portraying age and energy levels. The most common reason patients undergo upper blepharoplasty is for excess skin, known as dermatochalasis. This can develop with age, or in younger patients with a genetic predisposition for excess eyelid skin formation (familial dermatochalasis). Some patients who have excess skin on the lateral end of their eyelid can develop obstruction of the lateral visual field if their eyelid is not treated.

Dr. Sharma will first perform a comprehensive evaluation of your brows and eyes. The height and symmetry of your brows and eyelids are critical measurements when planning upper blepharoplasty. Skin excess, muscle excess and any bulging of fat pockets are also evaluated for.

An upper blepharoplasty can be performed safely and comfortably in the clinic under local anesthesia alone, with minimal downtime or discomfort after the procedure. Dr. Sharma uses non-absorbable sutures for upper eyelid surgery. Suture removal is performed by Dr. Sharma in the clinic one week after your surgery and is painless for most patients.


One of the first regions of the face which show age are the lower eyelids and upper cheek. A youthful lower eyelid is defined by smooth and firm skin, with a smooth contour as the lower eyelid transitions to the cheek. As our skin and soft tissues lose elasticity, tissues at the lower eyelid and cheek junction began to descend. The septum, a structure in our eyelid, gradually weakens which causes the orbital fat pads sitting behind the septum to bulge forward (pseudoherniation). This results in the development of a “tear trough” deformity and lengthening of the eyelid-cheek junction. Additional loss of fat around the eye occurs at the malar fat pads (lateral cheeks), the medial cheek fat and the SOOF (suborbicularis oculi fat) which sits under the muscle which surrounds our eye. With age, the combined effect of these changes give our eyes a more hollowed and tired appearance.

Lower eyelid surgery can be performed with or without external incisions on the skin. The technique used is dependent on your anatomy and needs. A scarless approach (transconjunctival) can be performed from the inside of the eyelid to treat the fat behind the septum. Redundant fat can be removed or repositioned over the lower bony rim of the orbit. Fat which is repositioned to the hollowed area under the eye serves to restore volume the nasojugal groove (tear trough) and smoothen the transition between the lower lid and cheek. Using your own fat to volumize this region under direct visualization by your surgeon serves as a predictable and permanent solution. This is in contrast to under-eye injectable filler which partially resorbs, and should always be placed in the correct plane by an expert injector to minimize the risk of filler migration and long-term swelling. Lower blepharoplasty with fat repositioning is performed on patients as young as their late 20s, and produces excellent results for all ages.

For patients with excess skin (dermatochalasis), a “skin pinch” procedure can be performed. An incision is made just below the lashes, the excess skin is pinched together and then carefully cut with ultra-fine scissors. The lower eyelid skin is sutured back together and heals quickly. When necessary, the lower eyelid can also be tightened laterally, like a sling or hammock, to give the eyes a more youthful shape and appearance. As with upper eyelid surgery, lower blepharoplasty has minimal downtime and virtually no discomfort.

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Recovery from blepharoplasty is relatively quick and smooth. Some swelling will peak on days 2 and 3 after surgery and then proceed to decrease over the first week. For upper blepharoplasty patients, Dr. Sharma will give you detailed instructions on how to take care of your incision during the first week, up until your suture removal appointment. There is no significant pain or discomfort after surgery. By one week, most patients are comfortable resuming their normal routines and being around others. All scars take up to a year to fully heal. Upper blepharoplasty incisions are hidden in your natural supratarsal crease and are barely perceptible after a few months.